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Article about my commissioned work LANA in the Newfoundland Club magazine of the DNK

Commissioned work LANA – an article about my pastel portrait in the club journal of the DNK (Deutscher Neufundländer-Klub e.V.)

Hello my dears,

I have not written anything new here for a long time, because I am currently completely occupied with my commissioned works and thus had no theme for new posts. ;-)

Therefore, my joy was huge, as in the last week, an envelope from a dear client arrived.
In this I found the June issue of the club magazine “Our Bear – The Newfoundland dog” of the DNK (German Newfoundland Club eV) with a beautifully written article about my pastel portrait, the charming Newfoundland dog Alana-Tamia vom Lindenkrug (‘Lana’), who unfortunately in 2017 had to go over the Rainbow Bridge. The commissioned work was created in the format 50 cm x 70 cm in soft pastels.

I was rarely so moved and touched when I read these lines.
Thank you, Michaela Fulland, for your commission, your trust in my work and this wonderful article!

Tierzeichnungen von Katja Sauer - Artikel in der Neufundländer Vereinszeitschrift DNKTierzeichnungen von Katja Sauer - Artikel in der Neufundländer Vereinszeitschrift DNK
Tierzeichnungen von Katja Sauer - Artikel in der Neufundländer Vereinszeitschrift DNKTierzeichnungen von Katja Sauer - Artikel in der Neufundländer Vereinszeitschrift DNK

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