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Exhibition April 2014

drawings of animals and animal portraits by Katja Sauer

Drawings of animals and animal portraits by Katja Sauer – Exhibition in Kuppenheim

In April 2014, it finally happened:
I showed my animal paintings and animal portraits for the first time on a small exhibition as part of the “Silken Windhound Show Weekend 2014”, above. The exhibition I made together with my friend, the osteopath for animals, Anja Meyer.
The event took place in the center for dogs Kuppenheim.

Here are some photos of the exhibition:

drawings of animals and animal portraits by Katja Sauer

Exhibition of paintings of animals and animal portraits by Katja Sauer in April 2014

Exhibition of animal portraits and animal drawings by Katja Sauer

Animal paintings and animal portraits by Katja Sauer – Exhibition in April 2014

Exhibition of animal paintings and animal portraits by Katja Sauer

Exhibition of animal paintings and animal portraits by Katja Sauer in Kuppenheim

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